Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, as you can only imagine, we're exhausted.  But Jakey is a trooper.  He woke up two days ago and asked me, "Daddy, you gonna fix my ear?"  Talk about crushing!!  What do you say to that?  Well of course I tell him yes.  Then he says, "Is mommy gonna fix my ear?" And of course I tell him yes.  So then I ask him, "Jake, do you want us to fix your ear?"  He thinks for a minute, then says, "Uh, No."

Well we're still gonna try our best to fix his ear even if he doesn't want us to.  LOL.  So here we are 4 days into this nightmare and we try to ask ourselves, "what can we do to ease the pain that we have in our heart?"  And it came to me.  We need to continue to remind ourselves that this could have been sooooo much worse.  When the ENT doctor was asking us if Jake had any milky discharge come out of his ear, or was he having problems with balance, had he seized?  We were joyously answering, "No!"  It had never occurred to us that the damage could have been that extensive or that severe.  So, everyday we remind ourselves that we are very blessed and very fortunate that we didn't walk in and find Jakey lying on the floor seizing, or worse, brain damaged.

And another thing to be grateful for that I forgot to mention:  They tested his hearing passed the middle ear to determine if there was any nerve damage and based on what they could tell so far, there appeared to be none!!  So, we're back to the middle ear!  Alot has been done to repair middle ear injuries.  However, I refuse to read anything on the internet because all that does is create worries.  LOL.  I don't want to know statistics, procedures, odds, etc.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.  I've attached a link to a song that I've been listening to.............on repeat for about 2 days now.

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