Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A parent's worst nightmare

A lot of folks have caught wind of what has happened to our Jakey.  And instead of having to retell the story 30 different times, I thought it best that I just update our blog site............the site that hasn't been touched in months.

A CliffsNote Version.  I'm not going to go into all the gory details of what happened because that's neither here nor there.  The point of the matter is that another child at the home pushed an antenna into Jake's ear and ruptured his eardrum.  We rushed him to the ER and they basically told us to wait until Monday to see the ENT.  We went to the ENT on Monday and they confirmed our worst fears.  Our child is deaf in his left ear.  The doctor's exact words were, "It's a ratted mess in there.  I can't really tell if the bone structures are where they need to be."  Not what a parent wants to hear coming from a doctor.

And so our nightmare begins.  We have our plan of action:  We wait two weeks to see if the ear starts to repair itself.  If there is improvement in his hearing, we will continue to assess the progress.  If there is no improvement, then we go in for exploratory surgery.  The hope then is to try and assess if any of the bones have shifted, cracked, etc.  If it has to be replaced or adjusted it will be done at that time.

Now this blog may come across as cold and matter-of-fact, but I really just wanted to get the details of Jake's situation out to the folks that are concerned.  I don't want to waste anyone's time talking to you about the emotional roller coaster that Annette and I have been forced to ride.............not to mention that the responsible parties have opted to wash their hands of their responsibility.  My only goal right now is to keep everyone posted on what Jake is going through and what the doctor's are recommending.

So, that being said, Jake is doing great.  I can't begin to explain to you how proud I am of him.  The kid shows more strength in his little finger than most men do in their entire bodies.  He's bouncing around, running around, playing around as if nothing has happened.  So I'm glad to know that this other deviant child has not broken his spirit.  Jakey will prevail.

Keep him in your prayers.  More later as things progress.

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